Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Ramblings- This just got real

Well my plan was to do a Mock Draft and I actually started working on it. I got through the first 10 Picks and had a lengthy blurb for every pick..... Then Something happened hurricane FREE AGENCY hit. In about 24 hours some of my picks and thoughts were completely changed before I could even finish... Let me be honest.. I work and go to school full time and have a wife and kids. I stay pretty busy to the point where my sanity is in question and I don't get to research some of the things I would like to for the blog. The Draft takes a lot more time then I thought it would with the constant upheaval of players... So here is the deal... The weekend before the Draft after all of the movement and pro days and injuries are assessed then i will unleash my Mock draft beast (I Hope)....

Well I had quite the nice weekend I finally got out to see Shutter Island....

I Love seeing any suspense/Horror/Creepy movie that comes out. I not only enjoyed this movie but I snuck in a 5 Guys burger : Double Bacon Cheeseburger with Onions,Green peppers, BBQ sauce and Lettuce... Yea I'm that guy.... The beautiful women that went to see this with me (will remain anonymous) was horrified by the ending sequence and visibly shaken after it and I can understand why. So sensitive people be warned. The movie was not really scary but the atmosphere was great and so was the suspense and the acting was great from the entire cast... I recommend this for just about anyone ...

So I have been having some remodeling done on my house and am in the process of having a new exterior door placed in the garage leading to my huge back yard for my Giant Dogs to use so they stop tracking dirt through my living room. I've already met with several contractors and picked the one I like and got my quote and now all I need to do is get the door from Lowe's.... This I thought would be the easy part.... I was wrong...I know everything that I need and want from them as my contractor sat down and made a list with me so there would be no confusion. ..... So I show up at Lowe's at 6:30 PM last night....And I go straight to the door section and ring the bell for assistance....10 minutes and nothing.....Ring it again....10 more minutes...During this time I've already picked my door and knob and lock and swing...Ring the bell....Nothing....This time i hit the button so hard it stuck and was now going off every 5 seconds....I'm not going to lie it was pretty annoying but it made me feel better With the electronic women going off every 5 seconds to soothe my rage. Then I see random Lowe's associates passing the aisle to see what kind of colossal moron would be playing with there precious button... Finally a manager walks down the aisle with a goon in tow... I'm looking rather dapper in my Army PT shirt, Cut off Khaki shorts (You like it Brian) Unkempt goatee and Alabama hat (#1 all year RTR!!!) So he ask me what I need... First thing out of my mouth "Joe your button is broken and it's annoying the shit out of me...Where have you been?" His puzzled look says it all... I can tell i wouldn't be dealing with sharpest tool in the Lowe's shed... He ask me to sit at the Doors ordering desk and he will get  my needs taken care of.....So I sit and I sit.....Sit some more....Sit some ....More. 20 minutes pass and when you're already pissed and have been there 40 minutes it seems like 2 hours...Now I'm pissed... So I decide to leave....but first I have a plan... I go back to the Restroom area where the offices are and sure enough they have a picture of the store manager and regional manager... I jot down there names and phone numbers just so i can call and hopefully get money off of my door... Then I head toward the entrance and what do I see??? My once thought savior JOE!!! Sitting on his ass laughing it up and having a good time enjoying his cool refreshing Mellow Yellow...I'm thinking..."Wow you don't see a lot of Mellow Yellow anymore." And "that jerk!!!" So I walk up to him and Say "Paul Seekers (Store Manager) is a personal friend of mine so expect a phone call from him tonight." He looked a little stunned and stammered something inaudible a little before I managed to shoot a nice "Thanks Ass hole." in his direction as I leave. So now I am in negotiations on a discount for my new door....The Moral of the story is... If you go to the Lowe's on Clemson road don't believe anything Joe says....He's full of shit......

Ray william Johnson's = 3
His show = 3 is my favorite web show out right now! He updates every Wednesday and Sunday. Check him out and see what you think..
Jimmy Fallon
I'm a huge mark for Late Night with Jimmy Fallon.... I love the guy... I follow him on twitter and DVR every show.... These are two of my favorite series of skits that they do on his show... Take a minute and check them out you won't regret it at all... and if you can Check his show out...either DVR it or stay up late... But I'm to old and get up to early so I DVR it....
Shout outs:
Nick for being the first (and only) person to leave a comment.... After some feed back I decided to get away from my Redskins worship and cover other things. Since I have decided to make this biweekly I will ramble about goings on with me and some complete randomness and then wrap up the week with a sports focus...I'm not Peter King and my resources aren't as vast..
Meg Norlund: For being one of the most talented writers I have ever had the privilege to meet and read some of her talented work... She also has a blog http://www.meagannorlund.blogspot.com/........... So check it out... The girl has talent
Brian: Say hi to Carmen for me.... ;)
Lil Brian: Stop sticking your hand down the front of your diaper
I'm out!!!!

Friday, March 5, 2010

It's Started

Free Agency is under way and The Redskins seem quiet…. For now… Let’s hope that the team finally smartens up and builds the team with youth and through smart moves on Draft day. (One can hope)Then I got the best news when heading home from intro to Religion last night. Well two things actually. Spring Brake started for me today and….

Redskins Overhaul Roster by Releasing 10 Players

I’m so happy to see this going on in the Nation’s Capitol! I felt it was long overdue and something that should have never gotten as bad as it has with the bloated contracts to underachievers. Once I read down the list it gave me an even better feeling that something good is going on in DC!

o Randy Thomas, G – I think this kind of surprised me with the retirement of Samuels. But with his age and the fact that he can’t stay healthy it was easily the right move.

o Cornelius Griffin, DT- I’ve always liked Griffin but started to see his prime pass him by and with the money we pay him and Fat Albert it just didn’t make sense to keep this aging vet..RTR!!

o Antwaan Randle El, WR/PR – This one makes me the happiest! Brought in with huge money to be a return threat and lift our special teams and has done nothing buy disappoint and prove that he is a gadget man who no longer seemed to have his fearlessness in the return game or strike fear in any secondary.

o Rock Cartwright, KR/RB – Losing Rock kind of stinks, he was like a Swiss army knife for our team. He did whatever the team asked him to do and did everything well enough to make an impact. He was undersized but had a huge heart. I’m going to miss him.

o Fred Smoot, CB – I always liked Smoot in his first stint in the Capital. But let’s face it everyone looks better when you have Champ Bailey shutting down half a field. I was tired of him getting burnt or missing tackles this go round. Bye Bye Smoot.

o Ladell Betts, RB - This is the same situation as Rock. Hate to see him go but I guess it’s time. Betts was a 1,000 yard rusher for us a several years ago when Portis went down. He proved that he could be a starting RB and after that year he took less money to stay loyal to the ‘Skins. Well after a knee injury he finds himself unemployed and looking for a job. Loyalty doesn’t always pay you back. I hope he lands on his feet and finds a decent job. He was always class for the Redskins.

o Todd Collins, QB- I’ll always remember Todd Collins for leading us on a 4 game winning streak after the Death of Sean Taylor (#21 RIP) and into the playoffs. Approaching 40 it’s time for him to hang it up and take it to the house.

o Also Released - Running back Marcus Mason, fullback Eddie Williams and defensive end J.D. Skolnitsky.

Now I know there is still a lot of time left in Free agency … Hell who knows what has happened since I have been typing this but this was a good start to what we need to do to get out of these doldrums that we seem to like hang out in for the last 18 years.
Few Notes on some things I’ve seen in FA so far.

1.Panthers cut Jake Delhomme –What took so long? Make way for Vick.
2.Colts Keep Gary Brackett –Smart move makes too much sense.
3.Jets Trade for Antonio Cromartie –Should fit in well with an already stellar D.
4.Chargers Cut LT – In a what have you done for me lately league and your answer is not much…Time to move on...It sucks but it’s what is best for both parties.

4th and 5
5 best Run Franchises in the League Today

1.Pittsburgh Steelers – When you win every argument with Got 6? It’s hard to start anywhere but here. Rooney is one of the best all-time hands down.

2.New England Patriots – The best team of the last Decade. Has in place the perfect system with the owner and coach to match. Hate all you want…They’re great.

3.Indianapolis Colts – Won a superbowl a couple of years ago and just played for another one. QB that can seem to make any offense go and great owner and GM have kept this team at the top and in the hunt for Decade.

4.Philadelphia Eagles – I hate this team and their fans will probably say that they suck. But they have been getting it done for awhile now despite a Superbowl loss.(How is a fan base with no Super Bowl wins sense of entitlement so out of whack?) With Reid in Philly they have been contenders year in and year out. I can’t wait to see Mcnabb leave so you can actually see what a good QB he is.

5.New York Giants – With a Super Bowl a couple of years ago, a solid tradition, and making sure that there down time is never too long they seem to have a handle on the Cap and handling free agency. I think the gap between 4th and 5th on this list is pretty wide but after this it’s even wider (…. All though I do like the Ravens moving up)

Where do my beloved Skins rank? 32nd….But that’s a whole blog of its own.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Starting somewhere.

So I’ve decided to take a stab at blogging (Could there be a more clichéd way to open?). I’m not the most talented writer but I have a constant train of thought on sports, in particular Football and the Redskins and Alabama Crimson Tide. I’m hoping to gain some followers and get a decent discussion about my Teams and the state of the League and movement amongst the players. I might add a couple thoughts on other goings on but for the most part I’ll try and stick to Sports. So each time out my goal is to touch on something that causes a thought provoking reaction good or bad. I Plan on hitting on the State of the Redskins, Moves around the League, A mock Draft and my Take on the Draft and Anything that catches my eye as I move on through out the Year.... So look out for my "State of the Redskins" Coming soon.... And now for my 5 favorite QB's today...Look forward to hearing from you.

4th and 5

My 5 Favorite QB’s

1) Brett Favre - I know the En vogue thing to do is to bash Favre but I could watch this guy play at any age and any era. Say what you want but no one has ever had a career like this guy or been more fun to watch but he sure knows how to break my heart.

2) Tom Brady – Don’t let jealousy get in the way. This guy is good and has it all, The Rings, the Wife and the Look. He won 3 Superbowl’s with less at the skill positions and carried the team on his back in the crunch time.

3) Drew Brees – There is something you have to like about an “Undersized” QB being so dominant in the League. He’s got personality and it's scary at how proficient he is. The Chargers should be shaking they're heads right now.

4) Ben Roethlisberger – I might be this guy’s harshest critic and I probably need a whole blog just about him. But I’d say he’s the most underrated QB in the League today. He looks awful and sloppy and is the lowest rated QB to win a Superbowl in history (The farce against the Seahawks) but the guy pulls off miracles and constantly makes plays to win, how can you not like him or bet against him.

5) Peyton Manning – It was hard to take him over Mcnabb. (Yea I really like Mcnabb and think he gets a bad rap too.) But Manning is the model for regular season consistency and most people would have him #1 which it’s hard to argue with. But let’s face it the guy is still a choke artist to me and with the talent he’s always had at RB,WR, and OL he should have more rings then 1-4 on this list. And I’m still steamed that he got the Superbowl MVP over Joseph Addai against the Bears. Media bias at its worst.

Throw Back QB Bonus
Mark Rypien – This was my favorite Player as a little kid, He was the reason I wore # 11… Hell the guy won the Redskins our last Super Bowl. I had the biggest pair of Rose Colored glasses when I used to watch him play. He’d throw a 5 yard hitch into his receivers feet…. My Response “Damn Receiver should have caught it! Laid out for it! Something! Good throw Ryp!” Watching footage of him now I can see it. Horrible footwork, little athleticism, chunky and just looked awkward at times. On his short passes they were hard and to low. His medium passes were too high and had no touch. But to see what was special about him was to see him throw the long ball. For about a 4 to 5 year span no one could hit that long ball better. It was a thing of beauty to see him take a 7 step drop and wind back and let it fly down the field to Monk, Clark, or Sanders. As for his Superbowl celebration dance as he put the nail in the coffin against the Bills…. That’s a whole different story

So what's your Take???